CTAE Teacher Spotlight, Mr. Reece Bozeman. #BTTY #4theT #CTAEDelivers
about 2 years ago, Lacy Cargle
CTAE Teacher Spotlight, Mr. Steve Goldman. #BTTY #4theT #CTAEDelivers
about 2 years ago, Lacy Cargle
Staff Spotlight
FFA officers spent time at local elementary schools discussing why they are passionate about agriculture and FFA. They encouraged all fifth graders to join an agriculture class and FFA next year by talking about their experiences and playing leadership games! #BTTY #4the T #FFA
about 2 years ago, Lacy Cargle
Why Wednesday
Why Wednesday
Why Wednesday
CTAE Teacher Spotlight, Mrs. Christi Fletcher. #BTTY #4theT #CTAEDelivers
about 2 years ago, Lacy Cargle
Staff Spotlight
Tickets for tomorrow's Boys Basketball game @ Brunswick are $7 each and can be purchased online at: https://gofan.co/app/events/915664 Get your tickets before you get to the game. Game time is 6pm @ Brunswick High School. Go Big Blue! #4theT
about 2 years ago, Dana Spurlin
Boys Basketball Tickets
Do you know a child that will turn 4 on or before September 1st? PreK Registration for the 2023-2024 school year is now open. DON'T DELAY, make sure their registration is complete. Open spots will be made available to out of county residents beginning March 1st. #4theT
about 2 years ago, Dana Spurlin
PreK Registration Reminder
Please join us for the 2023 Community Care Day, Saturday, March 11, 2023. #BTTY #4theT
about 2 years ago, Lacy Cargle
Community Care Day
TCHS celebrates Black History Month! #BTTY #4theT
about 2 years ago, Lacy Cargle
Black History
Get your tickets now for the 1st Round of the State Basketball Tournament - TCHS Lady Devils vs Grovetown - Tuesday, February 21st @ 6pm. Tickets are $7 and can be purchased at the door or online at https://gofan.co/app/events/915500?schoolId=GA13737. #4theT
about 2 years ago, Dana Spurlin
Tickets on sale now for Girls Basketball game
CTAE Teacher Spotlight, Mr. Duran Paulk. #BTTY #4theT #CTAEDelivers
about 2 years ago, Lacy Cargle
Staff Spotlight
BOYS BASKETBALL PLAYOFF INFORMATION -The Devils will travel to Brunswick on Wednesday, February 22nd. to play the Pirates at 6pm. Let's Go Devils! #4theT
about 2 years ago, Dana Spurlin
Boys Basketball Playoff Info
GIRLS BASKETBALL PLAYOFF INFORMATION - The Lady Devils will host Grovetown Tuesday, February 21st at 6pm. Everyone come out to the PALACE and show your support! Go Big Blue! #4theT
about 2 years ago, Dana Spurlin
Girls Basketball Info
CTAE Teacher Spotlight, Mrs. Kim Keen #BTTY #4theT #CTAEDelivers
about 2 years ago, Lacy Cargle
We are so appreciative of all of the thoughtful community members and FFA members who helped present Farm Day to every third grader in Tift County! #BTTY #4theT #FFA #FarmDay
about 2 years ago, Lacy Cargle
Farm Day
Farm Day
Farm Day
Farm Day
We are so appreciative of all of the thoughtful community members and FFA members who helped present Farm Day to every third grader in Tift County! #BTTY #4theT #FFA #FarmDay
about 2 years ago, Lacy Cargle
Farm Day
Farm Day
Farm Day
Farm Day
We are so appreciative of all of the thoughtful community members and FFA members who helped present Farm Day to every third grader in Tift County! #BTTY #4theT #FFA #FarmDay
about 2 years ago, Lacy Cargle
Farm Day
Farm Day
Farm Day
Farm Day
CTAE Teacher Spotlight, Mr. Mason Grant. #BTTY #4theT #CTAEDelivers
about 2 years ago, Lacy Cargle
Staff Spotlight
TCHS celebrates Black History Month! #BTTY #4theT
about 2 years ago, Lacy Cargle
Black History
CTAE Teacher Spotlight, Mrs. Bre Dawson. #BTTY #4theT #CTAEDelivers
about 2 years ago, Lacy Cargle
Staff Spotlight
The Internet Core Competency Certification (IC3) is the worldwide benchmark to gauge a student's understanding of computer systems like hardware, software, firmware, networking, and computer literacy. The certification is a 3 tiered program. Once a student passes all 3 levels of certification they are then awarded Digital Literacy Master Certification. TCHS's Information Technology career cluster offers this certification to every student in the program. Ms. Day and Mrs. Busbin are proud of their students and their accomplishments. #4theT #BTTY #CTAEdelivers #cs4GA #CS4All
about 2 years ago, Lacy Cargle