English Language Learners/ESOL
Tift County ESOL Program
English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) is a state funded instructional program for eligible English Learners (ELs) in grades K-12 (Georgia School Law Section 20-2-156 Code 1981, Sec. 20-2-156, enacted in 1985). Title III is a federally funded program which provides eligible Local Education Agencies (LEAs) with subgrants to provide supplemental services for ELs. Both ESOL and Title III hold students accountable for progress in English language proficiency and evidence of attainment of English language proficiency sufficient to exit ESOL services.
The ESOL Program is a standards-based curriculum emphasizing social and academic language proficiency. The curriculum is based on the integration of the WIDA Consortium English Language Proficiency Standards with the Georgia Standards of Excellence. This integration will enable English Learners (ELs) to use English to communicate and demonstrate academic, social, and cultural proficiency. It is critical that instructional approaches, both in ESOL and general education classes, accommodate the needs of Georgia’s ELs. To the extent practicable, it is appropriate to use the home language as a means of facilitating instruction for ELs and parental notification.
ESOL Program Philosophy & Services
The philosophy of the Tift County Schools ESOL Program is to develop articulate students who are:
Efficient learners
Effective communicators
Competitive members of a global society
Our ESOL Program is designed to help students attain their full social and academic potential within the American school culture. We are committed to developing our students’ communicative confidence and skills in the four main areas of language usage: listening, speaking, reading and writing. We support an optimal learning environment for all of our students as they become integral members of our community.
ESOL Vision, Mission and Goals
Ensuring that all ELs receive the respect, encouragement and opportunities they need to build the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be successful, contributing members of a global society.
The mission of the Tift County ESOL Program is to develop the English proficiency of students while advancing their academic achievement, and to support them in becoming productive, contributing citizens in the United States and an ever-changing global society.
Tift County ESOL Program Goals:
Value and build upon students' academic, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds.
Create a supportive learning environment.
Assist students in reaching their full academic potential.
Build connections between ESOL and school wide instructional programs.
Encourage participation of students and their families within the school and the community.
Foster understanding and appreciation of diverse populations within the school and the community.
ESOL Rationale and Program Description
English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Program Plan/Policy Rationale
An ESOL program plan/policy is designed to provide consistent and non-discriminatory procedures throughout each local school district as recommended by the United States Department of Education Office of Civil Rights. Districts are mandated by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to provide an alternative program of service when there are students who are limited English proficient (LEP) and are unable to participate effectively in the district's regular instructional program.
ESOL Program Description
The ESOL program is offered to all ELs who meet the testing eligibility criteria. This program aids in the success of a limited English proficient student in an English-speaking classroom. Our goal is to have students succeed in all four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) both socially and academically. We also want them to understand and function successfully in our American culture. Immersion in an English-speaking environment with guidance from the ESOL teacher and accommodations provided by all other school personnel will produce the desired results. The ESOL teacher shall meet the professional qualifications of the Tift County Charter System. The ESOL class is limited to the maximum size specified in State Board of Education Rule 160-5-1-.08 Class Size unless otherwise approved by flexibility granted through the Tift County Charter System.
ESOL Staff

Jeanna Waddell

Diana Mendieta