Dr. Stone photobombed some of our Class of 2022 Senior Pictures. 90% or Higher makes us Better Today Than Yesterday #BTTY

Broadcasting Live From The Mobile Principal’s Office. Graduation day 7-15-21 for another awesome student. Keep working Class of 2021 keep making us Better Today Than Yesterday!
Please share.

Buy your kids cheer uniform from us at TCHS in our Blue Devil Store!

Need to purchase a 2021-2022 parking permit for TCHS? Information is now available at: https://tchs.tiftschools.com/o/tchs/page/parking-permits #BTTY #4theT

Today is the final day of our summer feeding program! We look forward to seeing everyone. Remember that our pick up sites open and bus routes begin at 11:00am. See you soon! #4theT

Great Morning TCHS. Make today: Better Today Than Yesterday! Relentlessly Pursuing a Culture of Excellence.

We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download the app on Android: https://bit.ly/3gY60a3 or iPhone: https://apple.co/3wMUNzJ.

TENTATIVE student schedules for the 21-22 school year have been posted in the Infinite Campus portal. A schedule change request form will be posted later this week. Please do not call the school to request changes, all changes will be done through this form.

Great morning TCHS Family.
Make today: Better Today Than Yesterday!
Keep working to Relentlessly Pursuing a Culture of Excellence!
90% or Higher is our goal. What are we doing today to reach our goal!
Please share and retweet.
I LOVE you and BTTY!
Dr. Stone

Great morning!! Goal 1 Student Success at TCHS. 90% or Higher makes us Better Today Than Yesterday! Relentlessly Pursuing a Culture of Excellence! #BTTY
I LOVE our TCHS Family!
Dr. Stone

20 days until we start the greatest year ever at TCHS. Remember our daily goal at TCHS is to be Better Today Than Yesterday #BTTY.
90% Higher Class of 2022!

For the 2021-2022 school year, Tift County middle and high schools will offer an online learning option through Edgenuity. If you would like your child to participate in online learning, please complete the appropriate form for your child’s school. The deadline to complete this form is Jul 19, 2021. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the principal at your child’s school.
TCHS - https://forms.gle/HmZiveL8kSeFCELt7
SSA (high school students) - https://forms.gle/MoDDEqJQ4f6zh95G9
ESMS/NEMS/SSA (middle school students) - https://forms.gle/gkLDrwD1jo82DenY7

Better Today Than Yesterday!
90% or Higher!

Senior Portrait information! Please review the flyer from BPI pertaining to Senior Portraits. #CO2022 #BBTY #4theT

Better Today Than Yesterday!

How to purchase a parking pass at TCHS will be published next week.

We can't wait to see our students back on Friday, July 30th. The latest information for back to school can be found by visiting: https://www.tiftschools.com/page/back-to-school. Updates are being made daily!. #4theT

We’re thrilled to announce the new app for
Tift County Schools! Access documents, events, news
updates, even emergency notifications. Download the app
on Android: https://bit.ly/3gY60a3 or iPhone:

Blue Devil Football Season Tickets (reserved seat and general admission) and All Sports Passes (available for adults and students) go on sale July 5th at TCHS.
Visit our website at https://athletics.tiftschools.com/o/athletics/page/ticket-sales for details. #4theT

All Tift County Schools offices and programs will be closed Monday, June 28th - Friday, July 2nd and will reopen on Monday, July 5th. Have a Safe and Happy 4th of July! #4theT